Natural Remedies for Mosquito Bites

When a mosquito bites us, we feel itchy due to the left over saliva enduring from the insect’s devouring on our blood! Fortunately, as our natural world has created us with the presence of these buzzing nuisances, she has provided us with some natural remedies to counter against mosquito bites.

Here are some of the most effective natural ways for relieving and treating stinging and itchy mosquito bites. In reality, you may be amazed to find that most of these remedies are common stuffs that you can effortlessly find in your home.

10 Natural Remedies to Treat Mosquito Bites at Home

1. Vinegar

When you first sense the itchy bite, rub on a small amount of vinegar directly to the bump. If you have a lot of mosquito bites, you may want to take a hot bath in a tub filled with water and mixed with 2 – 3 cups of vinegar. Using organic vinegar especially apple cider is highly recommended.

2. Baking Soda & Water

Another simple home remedy for mosquito bites is to create a thick paste of baking soda and water. Then apply this paste generously to the affected region. Afterwards, you should feel the swelling and itchiness subside.

3. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another superb remedy for mosquito bites, as well as many other skin conditions. Not only will it relief the itching and swelling from the bite, but it will also aid in healing the wound. Use fresh inner leaf gel directly from an aloe plant or organic aloe juice. They both work nicely at providing relief.

4. Toothpaste

For fast relief from mosquito bites, try applying a small amount of all-natural peppermint or neem-based toothpaste on the affected area. Then allow the paste to dry and leave for as long as desired.

5. Onion

Other than making you cry while slicing it , a fresh slice of onion can also help remove the sting out of a bite. Simply place a fresh slice of onion on the affected part for several minutes until the itching subsides. Afterwards, be sure to wash the area thoroughly.

6. Raw Honey

Just take a small amount of honey and apply directly to the affected area. Honey also has anti-microbial properties that can help thwart infection. Using local raw honey is highly recommended.

7. Salt Paste

Have a small amount of finely ground salt and mix with a right amount of water until you have a thick paste. Apply this salt paste directly to the mosquito bite. The important thing is to make sure it’s finely ground. Iodized salt will also work.

8. Garlic

Rub a piece of raw garlic on the affected area. It is likely that you will feel a small amount of mild burning of the wound, but you should feel some major relief afterwards. The smell of garlic will also help repel the mosquitoes from biting you further.

9. Lime and/or Lemon

Apply a small amount of lime or lemon juice directly to the bites. Rubbing the bite with the lemon or lime peel helps also, but I usually prefer to use the juice. This also helps in keeping the wound from becoming septic from the scratches of fingernails.

10. Essential oils

There are a lot of essential oil that can help provide soothing relief for mosquito bites. Lavender, tea tree, rosemary, neem, witch hazel and cedar oil. Take a small quantity and dilute it with water, then apply directly to the bite.

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