How to Enhance Your Cholesterol

Boost Your Cholesterol

Do this to keep your risk of heart ailment down

Reinforce your HDL by pumping iron. Staying fit and healthy turns good cholesterol into great cholesterol, according to medical research.

As an aide-mémoire, there are two main types of cholesterol:  HDL "good cholesterol", which is responsible for cleaning your arteries; and LDL "bad cholesterol", which blocks those arteries up causing heart failures. In the research, the scientists found out that persons who strength-trained were more likely to have HDL that did a splendid job than those who didn't.

The reason why? The quality of those good fellows is more significant than the total quantity of HDL in your blood circulation. According to the research, “When you workout, your HDL gets more efficient, and it doesn’t have to work as hard to keep your bloodstream clean of bad cholesterol and artery-clogging fats”.

Although researchers don’t know how exercise improves the quality of your cholesterol, they also noticed that the regular lifters had lower levels of triglycerides, an indicator of reduced heart disease risk. That's a direct result of potent HDL. So if you really want your HDL to do its job effectively, you have to pick up some loads first, which the researchers found to be true for both normal weight and overweight cases. 

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1 comment:

  1. Hey Ark, great article! It's definitely proven that exercise and other lifestyle choices can reduce the chance of getting heart diseases.

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