Top 10 Bad Habits that Damage Your Kidneys

Impairment or steady deterioration of your kidneys can often go undetected for years as your kidneys can still function as normal with as little as 20% of their capacity. As a result kidney diseases are often referred to as “The Silent Diseases”. Therefore it is so very essential to take care of them before it is far too late.

Here’s a list of 10 common bad habits that put a lot of burden on your kidneys and can cause serious critical damage over time.

Habitually Delaying the Call of Nature

Not just a few of us ignore the urge to go just because we are too busy or simply want to avoid public bathrooms. Holding urine on a regular basis increases urine pressure and can lead to kidney failure, kidney stones, and urinary incontinence, the loss of bladder control. So it is always better to listen to your body when nature calls.

Chuck out the Sugar Habit

Scientific studies show that individuals who consume 2 or more sugary drinks a day are more likely to have protein in their urine. Having protein in your urine is a primary sign your kidneys are not doing their task as they should.

Not Drinking Adequate Water

Your kidney’s most important task is to filter blood and remove toxins and waste materials out of the body. When you don’t drink sufficient plain clean water the whole day toxins and waste material start to mount up and can cause severe damage to your kidneys and others parts of the body as well.

Excessive Salt in Your Diet

Your body essentially requires sodium or salt to work properly. Majority of the people however devour too much salt which can raise blood pressure and put a lot of pressure on the kidneys. Therefore as a rule of the thumb, it is better not to consume more than the recommended 5 grams of salt on a daily basis.

Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Many deficiencies can increase the risk of kidney stones or kidney failure. Vitamin B6 and magnesium, for instance, are significantly important to reduce the risk of kidney stones. Eating a clean, whole food diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits is essential for your overall health and a good kidney function.

Too Much Animal Protein

Over eating of protein, most especially red meat, increases the metabolic load on your kidneys. So more protein in your diet means your kidneys have to work harder and this can lead to kidney damage or kidney failure over time.

Lack of Sleep

Prolonged sleep deprivation is linked to many diseases and kidney diseases are also on the list. While asleep your body repairs damaged kidney tissue, so give your body the time to heal and repair itself.

Too Much Alcohol

Though there is nothing wrong with savoring a glass of wine or having a can of beer once in a while, most of us don’t stop after just a single serving. Alcohol is actually a legal toxin that puts a lot of pressure on our kidneys and liver too.

Coffee Habit

Similar to salt, caffeine can also raise blood pressure and put extra pressure on your kidneys. Over time excessive consumption of coffee can cause damage to your kidneys.

Painkiller Abuse

A lot of individuals often take painkillers just for their small aches and pains, while there are many all-natural, safe remedies available. Excessive use of painkiller can lead to severe damage of your liver and as well as your kidneys.

To be healthy and avoid kidney problems it is very important to eat lots of fresh, nutritious foods and if you keep the information you’ve read in mind and avoid these common bad habits as much as possible, your kidneys will be safe and as well as your body.

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