What's your body type?

What body type are you? How can you tell? Learn how to train for your body type and what the differences are. 

Not every physique's created equal. Before you start your training and nutrition regimen, it's a good idea to know your body type. Figuring out which of the three basic body types you're closest to will help you better tailor exercise plan and your diet and set realistic, achievable goals that lead the way to your success. 

There are three basic human body types: the endomorph, characterized by a preponderance of body fat; the mesomorph, marked by a well-developed musculature; and the ectomorph, distinguished by a lack of much fat or muscle tissue. It's all about the deception these structures create. An ectomorph will naturally look skinner than he or she is, an endomorph will look heavier even when ripped, and a mesomorph will look well-proportioned even with a little added weight. The goal is to make yourself look like a mesomorph even if you're not. 

Body Types

Ectomorphs have super-fast metabolisms that burn calories almost too efficiently. This can prevent them from putting on weight easily, which creates a disadvantage for anyone aspiring to be a bodybuilder, and even a struggle for some to maintain a healthy body mass index. As with any fitness program, diet and training and rest are going to be equally important for an ectomorph, and diet may even be slightly more important. 

The mesomorph is right in the middle of the spectrum, and can generally put on quality mass or reduce body fat relatively easily. Once the desired body composition and appearance is achieved, the mesomorph can usually just maintain, making sure to continue exercising regularly and living a healthy lifestyle. Mesomorphs should strength train with moderately heavy weight with rest times between 90-120 seconds, and can get away with doing the same amount of cardio as an ectomorph. 

The endomorph must focus on burning as many calories as possible to decrease body fat during strength training. Rest times should be kept as short as possible in between sets. Moderate weight should be used. The endomorph's main concern is to cut body fat to reveal the muscle that is underneath. Many endomorphs must perform cardiovascular exercise for 45-60 minutes at least 5 days a week to lose enough body fat to appear defined. 

Every guy has a different natural build that responds to exercise and diet in different ways. Stockier guys (endomorphs) are often better at lifting and skinny guys (ectomorphs) make the best long distance runners, then there are those athletic guys (mesomorphs) in the middle that seem to be able to do whatever they want. Most people fall somewhere in between two of these body types, but it’s still important to acknowledge what your body might be predisposed to do. Don’t think of these natural traits as limitations – if there’s a will, there’s a way – but, for example, if you’re a classic endomorph, you’re going to need to make a lot of changes if you really want to run a marathon. - See more at: http://www.mensfitness.com/training/pro-tips/training-tips-every-body-type#sthash.hL8tHucR.dpuf

Every individual has a different natural build that responds to exercise and diet in different ways. Stockier guys (endomorphs) are often better at lifting and skinny guys (ectomorphs) make the best long distance runners, then there are those athletic guys (mesomorphs) in the middle that seem to be able to do whatever they want. Most people fall somewhere in between two of these body types, but it’s still important to acknowledge what your body might be predisposed to do. Don’t think of these natural traits as limitations – if there’s a will, there’s a way – but, for example, if you’re a classic endomorph, you’re going to need to make a lot of changes if you really want to run a marathon.

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