Boosting your Metabolism & Burn More Calories Naturally

It’s no secret that drinking sufficient water can help keep your weight in check. However adding one of these three stuffs can boost your metabolism and burn extra calories, without taking down any extra hours at the gym.

Metabolism Booster no.1: Citrus Fruit

Adding citrus fruit to your drinking water can accelerate the fat burning process and help you feel more energized. Oranges and lemons in particular are a great source of Vitamin C, and assist in fat burning at the cellular level. As the metabolic process of transporting fatty acids within the cell and mobilizing them to be used as an energy source needs vitamin C as a co-factor. That means filling up on vitamin c can naturally increase fat burning, so add 3 to 4 thin slices of orange or lemon to your water to get that boost of Vitamin C and help transform fat as energy.

Metabolism Booster no.2: Cayenne Pepper

Though spicy water may not sound flavorsome, give chance and try it. A study suggests that the capsaicin found in cayenne pepper can boost your metabolism soon after ingesting it, and make you feel fuller. Obviously cayenne on its own isn't that likeable so try this mixture: Mix slice strawberries, blueberries, and just half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper into your water. You'll have a surprisingly sweet, calorie-torching booster drink.

Metabolism Booster no.3: Cucumbers

Cleanse your system and boost up your metabolism by sipping glasses of cucumber. The natural diuretic properties of this vegetable containing potassium and vitamins A and C, flushes out toxins and revs up your metabolism. Add 6 to 8 slices of cucumber to a pitcher of water and fill your glass for cool, refreshing drink.

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