Self-Heal Yourselves with Olive Oil

This is simple, uncommon yet very effective method for self-healing.

So the question is how?

It is about gargling with olive oil for 15 minutes.

The process is simple and free, it is all but risky and can treat many ailments. In actual fact, this technique had been practiced in India 5000 years ago. Gargling olive oil in the oral cavity or mouth eliminates toxins and harmful substances from the body, the blood and lymphatic system through mini- capillaries located in the oral cavity. These capillaries, located around the salivary glands, are porous and can exchange fluids in both directions – in and out of the blood. When the body is cleared from toxins, the immune system is able to fight against the disease all by itself.

Manner of treatment

All you need is cold pressed olive oil, if possible use extra virgin.
Have a tablespoon of olive oil and gargle it for 10 to 15 minutes in the morning after you wake up. Lob the oil thoroughly all around your oral cavity in order to clean every part of it. Do not swallow it. Spit the oil, which should be lathered up with milk-like color, after 15 minutes of gargling. Rinse your mouth using lukewarm salt water afterwards. Do not forget to brush your teeth as you usually do once you are through with the procedure.

That’s it… You can repeat it every single morning. But if you are trying to get rid of some serious health condition or disease, perform this process three times a day before meals.

It is important to state that this technique can lead to lasting health-giving. It helps in strengthening loose teeth (paradentosis) and helps whitens the teeth noticeably. In the beginning you may feel like you have something awful in your mouth, but once you get used to it, there’s no problem you can repeat the method over and over again.

This treatment does not have any side effects, which means you can practice it for as long as you want.

By simply gargling olive oil you will gain many health benefits. It will inhibit forming of cancer cells, help with nerve-related problems, insomnia, stomach diseases, liver and kidney related problems, heart diseases, various kind of inflammations, fatigue and so on.

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