14 Early Warning Signs of High Blood Sugar

Do you feel thirsty every time? Have you put on weight event though you have cut on calories intake? Do you experience frequent stomach problems? If the answer to these questions is affirmative then you are most likely suffering from high blood sugar.

High blood sugar does not affect diabetics only. In fact, anyone can experience increased blood sugar when they consume certain foods and foods that cause this go further such as candies, cakes and sodas. The genuine problem is when the blood sugar levels remain high for a longer period of time and that could cause more serious health issues.

What Causes High Blood Sugar Symptoms?

High blood sugar symptoms can be caused by various factors including:

•    Stress
•    Lack of exercise
•    Use of certain medications
•    Some health conditions
•    Poor diet

What Are The Symptoms of High Blood Sugar?

High blood sugar does not necessarily have to mean that you suffer from diabetes. High blood sugar is just a diabetes symptom. Some of the most usual high blood sugar symptoms include:

•    Increased thirst
•    Frequent urination and urination throughout the night
•    Constant hunger
•    Dry mouth
•    Extreme tiredness or daily fatigue
•    Dry and itchy skin
•    Weight gain and excess abdominal fat
•    Nerve problems
•    Slow healing of wounds and cuts
•    Impotence
•    Difficulty concentrating
•    Blurred vision
•    Recurrent infections
•    Stomach problems

Decrease High Blood Sugar Symptoms by Using a Glycemic Index Food List

The Glycemic Index (GI) represents a numerical index which ranks the carbohydrates based on their glycemic response, which is the level to which certain foods increase the blood sugar levels. The GI has a scale from 0 to 100 and the higher values are given to foods which lead to a more rapid increase of blood sugar levels.  Pure glucose has a GI of 100 and is set as a reference point.

Those foods with high GI are more speedily absorbed and digested and cause fluctuations in the blood sugar levels. On the other hand, foods which have low GI are absorbed and digested slowly and they gradually increase the blood sugar levels. Foods with low GI have proven health benefits and they decrease insulin resistance and insulin levels thus preventing symptoms of high blood sugar. Additionally foods with low GI are beneficial for weight loss since they delay hunger and control the appetite.

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