7 Techniques to Naturally Move your Bowel

How do you get your bowels moving naturally?

This is a common question we frequently ask if we experience lack of movement. So here are some simple, natural ways to get your bowel health back on trajectory, but remember, these ways depends on how long the constipation has been going on, it may take a bit of time to reverse it. The following tips are for those who aren’t obese. If you are obese then just try tips 5-7 only, for health reasons.

1.) Avoid dry foods

Dry foods need more moisture to digest which means it takes it from your body. Consume foods that are naturally moist and or cooked but not dry. The worse foods to eat if your bowels aren’t moving are rice cakes, popcorn, dried fruits, museli, granola, just to name a few.

2.) Increase the quantity of oil in your diet

Your bowels are stagnant because you are dried out. You can supplant the dryness by adding good, natural oils to your meals. This includes consumption of foods that have natural oil in them such as avocados, nuts and seeds. For some individuals they could be eating these foods but still not having regular movements try adding more.

3.) Moisturize your skin

If your skin is dry this is a good gauge that internally you are dry and oiling the skin will help bring moisture from the outside in. Sunflower is a safe oil to put on the outside of your skin. Basically if the oil is of good quality it will be absorbed by the skin and utilized in the body so don’t worry about pimples or skin eruptions.

4.) Avoid uncooked food

If your diet is based typically of raw foods and you still aren’t having a bowel movement then you should skip the raw food for a moment until the bowels are moving again and its better to start eating back the raw food in the summer. It takes a certain type of enzyme to digest raw food which is entirely not the same than the enzyme it needs to break down cooked food. During the warmer time of the year we have an easier time modifying our diets to raw.

5.) Give your body a cleanse

Cleansing requires some personal determination, so asking for assistance would be recommended. You need to have someone you are accountable to in order for the cleansing to work. There are a few ways of cleansing the body, try juice fasting or even fasting at least once a week.

6.) Avoid bread, cereal and pasta

These foods tend to be dense and build immobility in the body and make you put on weight. We become addicted to the simple carbohydrate highs but what happens is after the high we have some deep low and energy plunges. Avoid this by replacing your bread, cereal or pasta with whole grains.

7.) Increase whole grains in your diet.

Whole grains are complex carbohydrates that provide us energy over time and are much more efficient fuel to consume. Whole grains include rice, barley, quinoa, oats and many more.

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