Benefits of Drinking Water on Empty Stomach

An existing trend in Japan currently is drinking clean water right after getting out of bed. Scientific studies have confirmed the medical significance of this practice. This water treatment has been confirmed by Japanese medical experts to completely cure certain diseases, whether they are more acute or simply mild conditions. Here’s a shortlist of these diseases:

Arthritis, Body Aches, Heart Problems, Headaches, Epilepsy, Obesity, Tuberculosis, Meningitis, Kidney Diseases, Gastritis, Ear and Throat Diseases, Diabetes, Constipation, Vomiting, Uterine Diseases

The Practice

When you get up from bed, before doing anything, drink four 6 ounce glasses of water, or 160 milliliters. (If for any cause you cannot drink this much water at one time, you may start with as much water as you can drink, then slowly increase the quantity of water intake)
Brush your teeth well and perform basic oral hygiene, then wait for about 45 minutes before eating or drinking anything.
After the 45 minute waiting time, you may eat and drink normally.
Once a meal is over, do not eat or drink anything for 2 hours.
Afterwards, you may do whatever you want as long as you observe a healthy lifestyle.

Using the above technique, the study indicates the number of days the routine must be followed to cure each disease.

Specific Diseases

Constipation – 10 days
Gastric problems – 10 days
High blood pressure – 30 days
Diabetes – 30 days
Tuberculosis – 90 days
Cancer – 180 days
Arthritis – use the method for only 3 days the first week, then return to the regular daily regimen

Practising this natural treatment method has no side effects other than increased volume of urination at the beginning of the practice. Drinking sufficient water and staying healthy and active are means that will promote better lives.

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